
Peter Strachan, 12-year-old Somersfield Academy student who was born with a cleft lip and palate, has raised funds to assist others looking to correct facial disfigurements. We can proudly announce that part of these proceeds have been donated to the LCCA to assist someone requiring any kind of facial surgery. The article published in The Royal Gazette has further details.

In addition, Mr. Strachan has launched a website as a source of support. This website can provide additional information on facial disfigurements. You can view his site here: http://www.facebermuda.com.

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The New York Times: “Why the Wealth Gap Hits Families the Hardest”

Although this New York Times article is aimed primarily at readers in the U.S., it has relevance for the LCCA and our clients and supporters locally in Bermuda…’About a third of all families with children in 2013 had no wealth, only debt’. Please take time to read this informative article.

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