The Lady Cubitt Compassionate Association (LCCA) today announced that it would hold its annual tag day on Friday, 22nd September, 2023.

The tag day has long been a part of the LCCA’s fundraising and awareness calendar and has always been held in September. Funds raised on will be used to support of many of the Charity’s programmes that support those in need. These include food vouchers, BELCO vouchers, children’s summer school support and dental care for seniors.

Says Marisa Nearon Howard, Executive Director of LCCA: “Since the onset of Covid, we have seen a dramatic increase in the need of our programmes, especially when it comes to food vouchers. We encourage the public to give generously on the 22nd.”

She added:”As one of Bermuda’s oldest charities, we have been quietly helping our community for over 90 years. The LCCA truly tries to help when it matters most.”

Tag sellers will be located at various locations around the island. Alternatively, donors may visit to give.